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Burn Be Gone! (Sunburn Remedy)
This past weekend was a beautiful one. As usual I was out in the sun just a little too long. I got horrible sunburn on my thighs as well as other places, but my thighs were definitely the worst. Aloe usually does the trick in a week on a bad sunburn on my skin, but I didn’t have a week to wait. I’m leaving for Vegas on Friday and I needed to tan one more time to get rid of these lines and I can’t do that with a burn!
So I’ll tell you really quickly how I fixed my situation.
I started off like this;
I know the lighting is a bit bad but trust me, I was the most red I think I’ve ever been !!
I took three tea bags of black tea (I just used the Safeway brand) and put them in a pitcher of warm water. I let them “marinate” until the water was about room temperature. I cut up an old t-shirt to use as a rag; you definitely don’t want to use something you expect to use again because you won’t be able to.
Hop in the tub because it will be dripping off of you.
From here you just dip the rag into the pitcher and rub it onto your burnt areas. Some spots I would leave the rag on for a minute or two just to soak it in even more. Also, rubbing the tea bags directly on your skin seems to be very effective. The more you apply the tea to your skin the better results you will see. I spent about twenty minutes or so in my bathtub practically bathing myself in tea. Sexy, I know.
Do not rinse the tea off once you let it dry. You can rinse it off when you shower the following morning but it is best to let it soak over night if possible. No it did not stain my sheets. I also did not reek of tea which was a rather nice surprise.
Here is what I woke up to this morning;
I am very pleased with the results this treatment gave me. Hopefully this gives you some faith that some of these easy home remedies really do work!! I know I’ll be more inclined to try new things at home now!
AJ Hairstylist ROY Salon Fairfax Va. Fair Lakes
So I’ll tell you really quickly how I fixed my situation.
I started off like this;
I know the lighting is a bit bad but trust me, I was the most red I think I’ve ever been !!
I took three tea bags of black tea (I just used the Safeway brand) and put them in a pitcher of warm water. I let them “marinate” until the water was about room temperature. I cut up an old t-shirt to use as a rag; you definitely don’t want to use something you expect to use again because you won’t be able to.
Hop in the tub because it will be dripping off of you.
From here you just dip the rag into the pitcher and rub it onto your burnt areas. Some spots I would leave the rag on for a minute or two just to soak it in even more. Also, rubbing the tea bags directly on your skin seems to be very effective. The more you apply the tea to your skin the better results you will see. I spent about twenty minutes or so in my bathtub practically bathing myself in tea. Sexy, I know.
Do not rinse the tea off once you let it dry. You can rinse it off when you shower the following morning but it is best to let it soak over night if possible. No it did not stain my sheets. I also did not reek of tea which was a rather nice surprise.
Here is what I woke up to this morning;
I am very pleased with the results this treatment gave me. Hopefully this gives you some faith that some of these easy home remedies really do work!! I know I’ll be more inclined to try new things at home now!
AJ Hairstylist ROY Salon Fairfax Va. Fair Lakes