April 27th, 2013 • Posted by REFLECTIONS OF YOU Fairfax • Permalink
She's used those hands to soothe her fussy baby, address a letter to friend, and to brush a stray lock of hair away from your face. Your mother's hands help her express her emotions and show affection.
Hands may seem utilitarian, but they're capable of magic. Remember that back rub when you weren't feeling well, or the way she handed you the spoon after mixing the cake batter? Your mother's hands deserve to be acknowledged and pampered. Can you think of a better time than Mother's Day to pamper the hands that pampered you?
A manicure will leave Mom with more than a pretty pair of hands. She'll have them soaked and massaged until relaxation spreads from her fingertips to her toes. Before she knows it, your dear mother is likely to forget all about the tiny concerns that have filled the corners of her mind.
A manicure comes with a built-in advantage. As long as her hands are being worked on by someone else, Mom can't busy herself working on something else. It's a chance for her to sit back and soak up the moment without the guilt of "everything she ought to be doing."
Think of how much fun you'll have presenting the gift. Give her a packet of gift certificates for a monthly manicure. Offer her a "girl's day out" by inviting two of her closest friends for an indulgent afternoon. Make it a family experience by enjoying lunch and a manicure with your daughter or niece, and your mom.
We have a little trick just in case your mother loves doing things for others, but is embarrassed when they want to do for her. Simply tell her that she's contributing to history. That's right. Mom will become part of a long, illustrious line of humans who have found satisfaction in a manicure.
Archeology indicates that manicures have been part of real life for at least 5,000 years. Women in ancient India stained their nails with henna, while Babylonian women used solid gold tools to shape their nails. The Chinese Ming Dynasty used manicures as status symbols by introducing specific colors - generally red or black - to represent social rank. And while Mom might believe that well-groomed red nails became popular in the 50s and 60s, rumor has it that both Cleopatra and Queen Nefertiti enjoyed the dramatic shade on their own powerful fingertips.
We'll grant you, life for "everyday" women through the ages has been more focused on making sure their large broods were fed and chasing rats from their cottages than on having their nails manicured. Still, mom would be doing womankind a favor by showing how far we have come while celebrating the age-old tradition.
If that isn't enough to convince her that she really should be pampered, nothing will.
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