Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summer Frizzy Hair Reflections of You Fairfax & Fair Lakes Hair Salon and Spa

Bye Bye Frizz.

I thought I had posted this last Wednesday! I guess my iPad died in the middle of it so I’ll post it now. Perfect timing with another thunderstorm coming and all…
Summer gets very busy and the nights and weekends fill up very quickly. And with Summer comes the lovely humidity here in Northern Virginia. If you’re like me and your hair is usually flat it can be kind of nice to get a little fluff from the humidity. But at the end of the day everyone wants the same thing — frizz-free hair.
So lets talk some tips, tricks and products to help you.
#1 Get A Smoothing Treatment
What do I mean by smoothing treatment? Most salons now offer the Brazilian Blowout. Now many salons may have an alternative or something that sounds like a similar name but THERE IS ONLY ONE Brazilian Blowout. Now if you choose this, it comes at a price. Most of the time starting at $350. But have no fear this list continues, there are other solutions besides this pricey treatment.
#2 The Brazilian Blowout Deep Conditioning Masque
If you don’t get the service you can opt for this much less expensive product — usually about $43 per tube. The tube will get you a long way, especially if you aren’t shampooing your hair every day. The masque is the closest product in formula to the actual treatment so it minimizes blow drying time and eliminates frizz. Not to mention it’s also a reconstructor so it improves the overall health of your hair. You can use it with the Brazilian Blowout anti-frizz shampoo even if you don’t have the treatment, or use it with a different sulfate-free shampoo. (Sulfates and alcohol dry out the hair which causes more frizz and breakage).
#3 Embrace Your Curl (or wave, or twist…)
If you have curly hair and it’s frizzy you need to rethink your products. Curly hair is naturally more dry than straight hair so you need to be using moisturizing products. Deva curl, Deva curl, Deva curl! These products work for me, my clients and friends I’ve recommended them too. Again, not all products are for everyone but I believe in these and they have continued to please me. The shampoo is a conditioning cleanser so you don’t have crazy lathering going on to rough up the top of the hair where you get lots of frizz. The conditioner is a leave-in so it continues to moisturize your hair all day. Yes, all day. As long as it’s in your hair. The gel is light so you can control the hold. I kind of like it with a little crisp, but I notice after my hair is 100% dry it feels soft again, and when I shower and rinse it out again, my hair feels like it was just deep conditioned.
#4 Do Not Touch Your Hair Unless It Is Wet Or 100% Dry
This rule kinda goes just for my curly girls. Touching your hair in the in between stage creates frizz and poof. Touch it when it’s wet to put your product in and then let it do it’s thing. Once it’s dry you can fiddle with it but not too much – and definitely do not ever take a comb to your curls. Can you say frizz ball?
#5 Anti-Humidity Hairspray
Since up styles are so in right now (sock buns, top knots, etc) you don’t want to have little curly q’s of frizz framing your face. People shy away from hair spray because they think it makes their hair crunchy or sticky feeling . Let me tell you something, you only think that because 1, you’re overdoing it, or 2, it’s a cheap brand. From my experience I can honestly say you get what you pay for with hairspray. The more expensive ones, and when I say expensive I mean around $19, that’s not even bad, are better for your hair and actually do what they say, and allow you to still run your fingers through your hair without them getting stuck.
My recommendation; Bamboo Anti-Humidity spray by Alterna.
Comment below if you have any additional questions or even suggestions.
AJ Stylist ROY Salon Fair Lakes 703.272.8181

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